The Qur'aan

Correct Belief Regarding the Qur’aan

• The Qur’aan is the Speech of Allaah, uncreated.
• The Qur’aan is an attribute of Allaah.
• Some Deviant Sects believe that the Qur’aan is created and deny Allaah’s Attribute of Speech.
• Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal was tortured due to this issue of the Qur’aan being ‘uncreated’.
• Some deviant/ ignorant people say “My recitation of the Qur’aan is created/uncreated” Very inaccurate and potentially dangerous statement.

Ibn Abee Daawood mentions in his poem ‘Haa’iyyah:

“And do not say that the Quran is created, meaning: its recitation, since the Speech of Allaah, through its recitation, is made clear.”
Ahlus Sunnah say
الصوت صوت القاري و الكلام كلام الباري

“The voice is the voice of the reciter and the speech is the Speech of the Originator (Al Baaree is one
of the names of  Allaah). ”

Meaning: That which is being recited is the Speech of Allaah, as for the recitation and the action (of recitation), then it is the speech of the creation, his voice is created and his pronunciation is created….. Those who recite the Qur’aan differ (from each other), some of them have been given beautiful voices whilst others have not been given that, but as for the Speech of Allah – Majestic and Most High – then of course it is of the highest perfection.
(Shaykh Fawzan’ s explanation of the Haa’iyyah Poem by Ibn Abee Daawood)

More on Belief and the Qur’aan

Read the following for a more in depth understanding of the Qur’aan and how we should believe in it as the uncreated Speech of Allaah:

The Asha’ rees regarding the Qur’aan. Click here.
The written Mushaf is actually the Qur’aan . Click here
Recitation is it created or uncreated. Click here

Learning Eemaan Before Qur’aan

Jundub ibn 'Abdullaah (radiallaahu 'anhu) said:

"We were with the Prophet - sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam - while we were young boys, and we learned Eemaan before we learned the Qur`aan, and then we learned the Qur`aan and it increased us in Eemaan.” [Ibn Majah, authenticated by Al-Albaanee; rahimahumullaah]

'Abdullaah Ibn 'Umar (radiallaahu 'anhummaa) said:

"We lived during an instant of time in which one of us would receive Eemaan first before receiving the Qur`aan and, when the verses were revealed, we would learn what they permitted and what they prohibited and what they forbade and what they ordered and what stance one should have towards them. But I have seen many men from whom one is given the Qur`aan before Eemaan and he reads it from the opening of the Book to its closing and he does not know what it orders and what it forbids and what stance one should have towards it. He is like someone who is just throwing out dates [i.e. he does not get any benefit from his recital]."  [Al Bayhaqee and Al Haakim who authenticated it; rahimahumullaah]

Shaikh Saalih Ibn Fawzaan al-Fawzaan(hafidhahullaah) said

The Prophet (sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam) said: Recite the Qur`aan before there comes a people who will straighten its letters just as an arrow is made straight; it [the Qur`aan] will not go beyond their collarbones. They will seek to bring its reward forward, and will not wait for its reward (in the Hereafter).  [Saheehah 259] “This hadeeth tells us that what is intended is not merely recitation of the Qur`aan; rather what is intended is recitation in order to act upon the Qur`aan. So the recitation is a means, and the goal is to act upon the Noble Qur`aan. The reward is therefore for the person who recites the Qur`aan and then acts upon it. ”