Translated by Umm 'Abdir Rahmaan Tara Hashim
Translator's Additional Comments
I highly recommend the Mushaf Printed in Madeenah which is free from any of the issues mentioned above. It looks like this:
Read more about the Madeenah Mushaf Click here
Here are some pictures to illustrate some of the examples of Masaahif which are CRITICIZED so that you can avoid them:
Please note that very few people are aware of what Shaykh Fawzaan has spoken about so please use wisdom in explaining it to people. Do not put them off from reading Qur'aan! Give them a gift of an alternative mushaf that is acceptable. Be patient and have good manners. The ummah is suffering from bid'ah and shirk which is more important to address first.
People are in dire need to come closer to Allaah by reading the Qur'aan regularly and frequently. Do not be the reason that they cut themselves off from His Noble Speech.
Remember that the Qur'aan was revealed orally to the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم and it has been passed down through the centuries orally and in writing. So learning Qur'aan should be from a teacher who teaches and corrects you. The Qur'aan is not another 'self taught' or 'master yourself' course which can be picked up by reading and deciphering the colour coded tajweed rules. If a person did use the colour coded mushaf it might provide hints for you to remember but it still does not replace the teacher to explain to you how exactly it should sound. I cannot stress enough that to learn Qur'aan you need a teacher or second best use Ayat app to listen to a good reciter like Shaykh Basfar.
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
The Salaf as Saalih
used to keep the Noble Mushaf separate from any writing unrelated to the Noble
Qur’aan. They followed the example of the Prophet صلى
الله عليه وسلم when he forbade the writing down of his noble ahaadeeth during
his time out of fear that the hadeeth would be mixed up with the Noble Qur’aan.
The Salaf as Saalih
used to keep the Masaahif (plural of mushaf – copy of the Qur’aan) separate
from anything other than the Qur’aan to protect it from any additions,
deletions or mixing the speech of man with the Speech of Allaah, the Exalted.
For this reason trustworthy scholarly committees to print the Masaahif were
established and printed them in the best and most accurate form. This is
realizing the Saying of Allaah:
إِنَّا نَحْنُ نَزَّلْنَا الذِّكْرَ وَإِنَّا
لَهُ لَحَفِظُونَ
Indeed, it is We who sent down the Qur'an
and indeed, We will be its guardian.
However, in recent
times there have been some newly invented conventions used in printing some of
the masaahif. They have even received permission from some unreliable bodies and
these types of masaahif are widespread in the bookshops.
The following are
some examples of this:
1. Changing the colour of some letters. So
some are black and others are red indicating the tajweed rules or so they
falsely think. Tajweed is found in specialist books that are printed separately
and it should not enter into the printing of the mushaf. (Translator’s Note:
These are usually referred to as ‘The Tajweed Mushaf’ مصحف
التجويد )
2. Some Masaahif use specific colours for
(different topics). For example, the aayaat of warning are one colour and the
aayaat of promises are another. The aayaat that mention Jannah are one colour
and those of hell fire are another on the pages. Also the Names and Attributes
of Allaah have a specific colour. This is how they colour the pages of the
mushaf according to topics which is particularly found in some of the Syrian
prints of the Mushaf. This is an innovation. (Translator’s Note: These are
called Tafseer Mawdoo’ee تفسير موضوعي
3. Some Masaahif add an appendix of Allaah’s
4. Some Masaahif add an appendix of the Du’aa
for Completing the Qur’aan. Some ignorant people even consider the du’aa as a
surah of the Qur’aan and that it is compulsory to read it. Some du’aas for
completing the Qur’aan contain innovations such as ‘O Allaah provide us with
such and such for ‘alif’ and such and such for ‘baa’ and such and such for
every letter of the Qur’aan.’
5. Some Masaahif add a summarized
explanation (tafseer) in the margins for certain words of the Qur’aan. Some of
the explanations of Allaah’s Names and Attributes are even incorrect and false.
Tafseer is contained in separate books which are referred to.
6. Some Masaahif have the words ‘O Allaah’
at the beginning of Surah Faatihah and ‘O Muhammad’ at the beginning of Surah
al Baqarah which is making du’aa to other than Allaah.
7. Some Masaahif have tafseer of the aayaat
in between the lines. Especially in some of the Indian prints of the Mushaf.
All these newly
added interventions should be prevented and we should not be lax in allowing
them. It is also necessary to stop the distribution of any mushaf which
contains these aspects out of protection for Allaah’s Book from newly added
interventions and from the desires and greed of certain distributors. So that matters
do not become worse than that with the interventions of the ignorant people and
those with financial motives.
Allaah’s Peace and
Blessings be upon our Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم,
his family and all his Companions.
Written by Saalih
bin Fawzaan al Fawzaan
Member of the
Committee of Senior Scholars
8/8/1432AH (2011)
Sources in Arabic:
Translator's Additional Comments
I highly recommend the Mushaf Printed in Madeenah which is free from any of the issues mentioned above. It looks like this:
Read more about the Madeenah Mushaf Click here
Here are some pictures to illustrate some of the examples of Masaahif which are CRITICIZED so that you can avoid them:
Please note that very few people are aware of what Shaykh Fawzaan has spoken about so please use wisdom in explaining it to people. Do not put them off from reading Qur'aan! Give them a gift of an alternative mushaf that is acceptable. Be patient and have good manners. The ummah is suffering from bid'ah and shirk which is more important to address first.
People are in dire need to come closer to Allaah by reading the Qur'aan regularly and frequently. Do not be the reason that they cut themselves off from His Noble Speech.
Remember that the Qur'aan was revealed orally to the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم and it has been passed down through the centuries orally and in writing. So learning Qur'aan should be from a teacher who teaches and corrects you. The Qur'aan is not another 'self taught' or 'master yourself' course which can be picked up by reading and deciphering the colour coded tajweed rules. If a person did use the colour coded mushaf it might provide hints for you to remember but it still does not replace the teacher to explain to you how exactly it should sound. I cannot stress enough that to learn Qur'aan you need a teacher or second best use Ayat app to listen to a good reciter like Shaykh Basfar.
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Tajweed Mushaf |
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Tajweed Mushaf |
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Tajweed Mushaf with vocabulary in margins |
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Mushaf Mawdoo'ee Coloured Topics - BID'AH! |
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Tafseer Mawdoo'ee Coloured Topics |
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Tafseer Mawdoo'ee Coloured Topics |
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Syrian Print of Mushaf: Allaah's Names in Red with added tafseer in margin |
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Front Cover - Syrian Print of Mushaf: Allaah's Names in Red with added Tafseer in margin |
Urdu Tafseer mixed with the Qur'aan Aayaat in Mushaf - Aayatul Kursee Note that they have even added the basmalah at the beginning as if it is a separate surah! |